Quality & Safety
Certifications, Licenses, Accreditations, Memberships
ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management systems
The system provides Brezac Constructions with a clear and proactive approach that identify hazards, assesses risks, and ultimately makes the workplace safer.
ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems — requirements
The quality management system assists Brezac Constructions to continually monitor and manage quality across all operations, and outlines ways to achieve, as well as benchmark, consistent performance and service
AS/ANZ 5131 Structural steelwork – Fabrication and Erection
Certified to CC3
AS NZS 5131 sets out minimum requirements for the construction of structural steelwork involving fabrication, preparation of steel surfaces for corrosion protection, corrosion protection comprising painting and galvanizing, erection and modification of steelwork.
TMR Certified for the supply of Fabricated Steelworks –
Steel Fabrication (MRTS78)
- Primary superstructure elements
- Overhead gantries and signs
- Mounted bridge or tunnel elements
- Miscellaneous bridge elements
- Posts and poles
- Other miscellaneous and minor structures/products
QBBC license number : 72940
Structural Metal Fabrication and Erection
Sheds, Carports and Garages
To achieve customer confidence in the quality of goods and services offered, Brezac Constructions has implemented the ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Systems standard guidelines as the basis of our system.
We are committed to the continual improvement of goods and services provided by our company and aim to:
- Develop and review our processes and procedures to ensure that the changing needs and expectations of our customers are accommodated;
- Liaise closely with our employees, suppliers and sub-contractors to ensure they provide similar attention to these quality principles;
- Comply with Standards, specifications statutory requirements and contractual obligations.
- Maintain and build upon our reputation for quality by encouraging full employee involvement and a commitment to the development, implementation and review of an exceptional quality system.
Health & Safety
Brezac Constructions is committed to achieving the principles of health and safety in our workplace. We are focused on reducing risk and preventing injury and illness arising from our operations.
Brezac Constructions’ health and safety objectives aim to:
- Provide and maintain a healthy and safe workplace, safe plant and systems of work;
- Provide information, instructions, training and supervision to employees, contractors, customers and visitors to ensure their continued health and safety;
- Ensure compliance with legislative requirements and current industry standards.